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Англо-русский словарь - round


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Перевод с английского языка round на русский

voyage поездка в оба конца
 а) округлять с повышением (числа) Ill round the cheque up to $10.
 б) сгонять (скот) The cattle have to be rounded up and counted.
 в) собирать в одном месте See if you can round up the rest of the class, its time to go back to the school.
 г) окружать, производить облаву The police are trying to round up the jewel thieves.
 1. adj.
 1) круглый; шарообразный; сферический; round back/shoulders - сутулость; round hand/text - круглый почерк; typ. рондо; round timber - кругляк, круглый лесоматериал; round arch archit. - полукруглая арка
 2) круговой; - round game - round towel - round trip - round tour - round voyage
 3) мягкий, низкий, бархатистый (о голосе)
 4) полный
 5) крупный, значительный (о сумме)
 6) круглый (о цифрах); округленный (о числах)
 7) закругленный, законченный (о фразе); гладкий, плавный (о стиле)
 8) приятный (о вине)
 9) прямой, откровенный; грубоватый, резкий; - round oath - in round terms
 10) быстрый, энергичный (о движении); a round trot - крупная рысь; at a round pace - крупным аллюром
 11) phon. округленный
 2. noun
 1) круг, окружность; очертание, контур
 2) круговое движение; цикл
 3) обход; прогулка; to go the rounds - идти в обход, совершать обход; to go/make the round of - обходить; циркулировать; to go for a good/long round - предпринять длинную прогулку; visiting rounds - проверка часовых; дозор для связи
 4) цикл, ряд; the daily round - круг ежедневных занятий
 5) тур; раунд; рейс
 6) ломтик, кусочек; round of toast - гренок, ломтик поджаренного хлеба; round of beef - ссек говядины
 7) ступенька стремянки (тж. round of a ladder)
 8) mil. патрон; выстрел; очередь; 20 rounds of ball cartridges - 20 боевых патронов
 9) порция; a round of sandwiches - (целый поднос) сандвичей; he ordered another round of drinks - он заказал еще по рюмочке для всех
 10) ракетный снаряд; ballistic round - баллистический снаряд - round of cheers - round of applause
 3. v.
 1) округлять(ся) (тж. round off); to round a sentence - закруглить фразу
 2) огибать, обходить кругом; повертывать(ся)
 3) phon. округлять - round down - round in - round into - round off - round upon - round out - round to - round up
 4. adv.
 1) вокруг; the wheel turns round - колесо вращается; the wind has gone round to the north - ветер повернул на север - round about - round and round - all round - right round - all the year round - a long way round
 2) кругом
 3) обратно
 5. prep. вокруг, кругом; round the world - вокруг света; round the corner - за угол, за углом
ROUND about вокруг (да около)
ROUND and round кругом; со всех сторон to argue round and round the subject вертеться вокруг да около, говорить не по существу;
ROUND brackets круглые скобки
ROUND down округлять с понижением (числа) The shop rounds the price down to the nearest pound.
ROUND game игра в карты, в которой принимает участие неограниченное количество игроков
ROUND in naut. тянуть, выбирать
ROUND into
 а) развиваться, превращаться The boy rounded into manhood.
 б) заканчиваться. завершаться (чем-л.) Our talk gradually rounded into a plan for improving the organization.
ROUND oath крепкое ругательство
ROUND of applause взрыв аплодисментов
ROUND of cheers взрыв аплодисментов
 а) округлять(ся), закруглять(ся) Round off the edges of the table. Your answer should be rounded off to three decimal places.
 б) заканчивать, завершать to round off the evening with a dance закончить вечер танцами Let us have a drink to round the evening off.
ROUND (up)on набрасываться, нападать (на кого-л.); резко критиковать, распекать The fox rounded on the hunting dogs and fought to the death. It was quite a shock when she rounded on me.
 а) закруглять(ся), делать(ся) круглым
 б) полнеть She was very thin after her illness, but is rounding out nicely now.
 в) заканчивать(ся), завершать(ся) The best way to round out your education is by travelling. The inquiry was rounding itself out.
ROUND robin
 1) петиция с подписями, расположенными кружком (чтобы скрыть, кто подписался первым)
 2) sport круговая система (тренировки, соревнований)
ROUND the corner за углом; fig. совсем близко, рядом
ROUND to naut. приводить к ветру
ROUND tour поездка в оба конца
ROUND towel = roller towel
ROUND trip поездка в оба конца
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См. в других словарях

  1. шар this earthly round —- Земля 2. небесный свод 3. круг, предмет, имеющий форму круга 4. ломтик (хлеба и т. п.) a round of toast —- гренок two rounds of ham and one of beef —- два бутерброда с ветчиной и один с говядиной 5. окружность, кольцо to dance in a round —- двигаться по кругу (о танцующих) 6. круговое движение; кругооборот; круговорот the earth's yearly round —- годовое вращение Земли 7. обход doctor's round —- обход врачом больных the night watchman makes his rounds every hour —- ночной сторож совершает обход каждый час to go (to make) the round of —- совершать обход 8. воен. поверка караулов 9. прогулка, поездка to make a round of the country —- совершить поездку по стране 10. ряд; цикл; серия the daily round —- повседневные дела a round of pleasures —- вихрь удовольствий a round of duties —- круг обязанностей to make a round of visits —- нанести ряд визитов the whole round of knowledge —- весь цикл знаний 11. тур, этап second round —- второй тур (выборов и т. п.) 12. раунд, тур (переговоров) 13. круг, группа (людей) a round of politicians —- группа политических деятелей 14. хоровод; круговой танец 15. танец, в котором пары двигаются по кругу (вальс и т. п.) 16. (the round) круглая скульптура 17. огузок и кострец 18. очередная порция спиртного they had another round —- они выпили еще по одной this round is on me —- моя очередь платить (за...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  кул. огузок (бедро) См. wholesale cuts of beef ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  цикл – round of replication ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) кругооборот 2) ряд 3) цикл 4) тур • - round of talks - round off - round tripping - turn round - turn round 2. прил. 1) круговой 2) приблизительный 3) значительный, крупный - round figures - round numbers - round-the-clock operation 3. гл. 1) округлять 2) закруглять 3) завершать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) вокруг 2) закруглять 3) контур 4) круг 5) кругло 6) круглодонный 7) круглый 8) кругом 9) обход 10) огибать 11) округлый 12) округлять 13) окружность 14) полуприем 15) скруглять 16) цикл 17) цилиндрический bend round mandrel — загибать на оправке bend round radius — загибать по радиусу circulation round circumference — циркуляция по окружности integral taken round closed circuit — круговой интеграл, интеграл по замкнутому контуру peel round billet — обдирать трубную заготовку round drive belt — пасик round robin service — обслуживание циклическое round wire rod — катанка круглого сечения - alternate round - broken round - go round - in round figures - lime round - round angle - round billet - round bracket - round cable - round down - round etching - round file - round fillet - round filter - round number - round nut - round off accumulation - round off number - round off - round paranthesis - round pin - round radius - round reel - round seizing - round set hammer - round timber - round upward ROUND ANGLE матем. полный угол (360 град.) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) круглый 2) рабочий цикл ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  круг; окружность; закругление скруглять; округлять шар, сфера рабочий цикл круглый профиль; пруток архит.валик полукруглая ступенька триангуляционная сеть галтель (вид рубанка) скоба лестницы (для спуска в шахту или подъёма по трубе) густой, вязкий (о краске, лаке); плотный, толстый (о слое окрасочного покрытия) round of holes drill round half round hot-rolled round quarter round ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) круг; окружность скруглять 2) шар; сфера 3) матем. округлять 4) (рабочий) цикл 5) закругленная деталь 6) мн. ч. метал. круглый профиль; круглый пруток; круглая заготовка 7) метал. подача; засыпка; колоша 8) горн. комплект шпуров или скважин 9) архит. валик 10) круглая ступенька (лестницы) 11) пищ. бродильный чан 12) шлифовать (крупу) 13) округлять (тесто) 14) кругление (книжного корешка) круглить (книжный корешок) 15) геод. триангляционная сеть to round down — округлять в меньшую сторону; to round off — 1. закруглять (острые кромки) 2. округлять; округлять до ближайшего целого; to round to... — округлять до...; to round up — округлять в большую сторону - round of holes - cementation round - drill round - extruded round - hot-rolled round - ladder round - rolled round - rough-turned rounds - shaft round - surface-conditioned round - triangular round - tube rounds ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  adj., n., adv., prep., & v. --adj. 1 shaped like or approximately like a circle, sphere, or cylinder; having a convex or circular outline or surface; curved, not angular. 2 done with or involving circular motion. 3 a entire, continuous, complete (a round dozen); fully expressed or developed; all together, not broken or defective or scanty. b (of a sum of money) considerable. 4 genuine, candid, outspoken; (of a statement etc.) categorical, unmistakable. 5 (usu. attrib.) (of a number) expressed for convenience or as an estimate in fewer significant numerals or with a fraction removed (spent {pound}297.32, or in round figures {pound}300). 6 a (of a style) flowing. b (of a voice) not harsh. 7 Phonet. (of a vowel) pronounced with rounded lips. --n. 1 a round object or form. 2 a a revolving motion, a circular or recurring course (the earth in its yearly round). b a regular recurring series of activities or functions (one's daily round; a continuous round of pleasure). c a recurring succession or series of meetings for discussion etc. (a new round of talks on disarmament). 3 a a fixed route on which things are regularly delivered (milk round). b a route or sequence by which people or things are regularly supervised or inspected (a watchman's round; a doctor's rounds). 4 an allowance of something distributed or measured out, esp.: a a single provision of drinks etc. to each member of a group. b ammunition to fire one shot; the act of firing this. 5 a a slice across a loaf of bread. b a sandwich made from whole slices of bread. c a thick disc of beef cut from the haunch as a joint. 6 each of a set or series, a sequence of actions by each member of a group in turn, esp. a one spell of play in a game etc. b one stage in a competition. 7 Golf the playing of all the holes in a course once. 8 Archery a fixed number of arrows shot from a fixed distance. 9 (the round) a form of sculpture in which the figure stands clear of any ground (cf. RELIEF 6a). 10 Mus. a canon for three or more unaccompanied voices singing at the same pitch or in octaves....
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French rund, reund, from Latin rotundus — more at rotund  Date: 14th century  1.  a.  (1) having every part of the surface or circumference equidistant from the center  (2) cylindrical a ~ peg  b. approximately ~ a ~ face  2. well filled out ; plump, shapely  3.  a. complete, full a ~ dozen a ~ ton  b. approximately correct; especially exact only to a specific decimal or place use the ~ number 1400 for the exact figure 1411  c. substantial in amount ; ample a good ~ price — T. B. Costain  4. direct in utterance ; outspoken a ~ denunciation  5. moving in or forming a circle  6.  a. brought to completion or perfection ; finished  b. presented with lifelike fullness or vividness  7. delivered with a swing of the arm a ~ blow  8.  a. having full or unimpeded resonance or tone ; sonorous  b. pronounced with ~ed lips ; labialized  9. of or relating to handwriting predominantly curved rather than angular  • ~ness noun  II. adverb  Date: 14th century a~  III. noun  Date: 14th century  1.  a. something (as a circle, globe, or ring) that is ~  b.  (1) a knot of people  (2) a circle of things  2. ~ dance 1  3. a musical canon in which each part begins on the same note and is continuously repeated  4.  a. a rung of a ladder or a chair  b. a ~ed molding  5.  a. a circling or circuitous path or course  b. motion in a circle or a curving path  6.  a. a route or circuit habitually covered (as by a security guard or police officer)  b. a series of similar or customary calls or stops making the ~s of his friends — Current Biography; especially a series of regularly scheduled professional calls on hospital patients made by a doctor or nurse — usually used in plural  7. a drink of liquor apiece served at one time to each person in a group I'll buy the next ~  8. a sequence of recurring routine or repetitive actions or events went about my ~ of chores the newest ~ of talks  9. a period of time that...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  I. [c red]PREPOSITION AND ADVERB USES Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. Note: 'Round' is an adverb and preposition that has the same meanings as ‘around’. 'Round' is often used with verbs of movement, such as ‘walk’ and ‘drive’, and also in phrasal verbs such as ‘get round’ and ‘hand round’. 'Round' is commoner in British English than American English, and it is slightly more informal. Please look at category 20 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword. 1. To be positioned round a place or object means to surround it or be on all sides of it. To move round a place means to go along its edge, back to the point where you started. They were sitting round the kitchen table... All round us was desert... PREP • Round is also an adverb. Visibility was good all round... The goldfish swam round and round in their tiny bowls. ADV: ADV after v 2. If you move round a corner or obstacle, you move to the other side of it. If you look round a corner or obstacle, you look to see what is on the other side. Suddenly a car came round a corner on the opposite side... One of his men tapped and looked round the door. PREP 3. You use round to say that something happens in or relates to different parts of a place, or is near a place. He happens to own half the land round here... I think he has earned the respect of leaders all round the world... PREP • Round is also an adverb. Shirley found someone to show them round... So you’re going to have a look round? ADV: ADV after v, n ADV 4. If a wheel or object spins round, it turns on its axis. Holes can be worn remarkably quickly by a wheel going round at 60mph... ADV: ADV after v 5. If you turn round, you turn so that you are facing or going in the opposite direction. She paused, but did not turn round... The wind veered round to the east... ADV: ADV after v 6. If you move things round, you move them so they are in different places. I’ve...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 shaped like a circle  (a round table | Jamie's eyes grew round with delight.) 2 shaped like a ball  (a plant with small round berries) 3 fat and curved  (Charlie had a chubby face and round cheeks.) 4 a round number is a whole number, often ending in 0  (Let's make it a round -50 I owe you. | a round hundred/dozen etc (=a complete hundred etc)) 5 in round figures not expressed as an exact number but as the nearest 10, 100, 1000 etc  (In round figures, the expected profit is about -600 million.)  (- see also roundly, a square peg in a round hole square1 (11)) - roundness n ~2 adv only after verb especially BrE 1 if something moves round, it moves in a circular movement  (It is water moving through the mechanism which pushes the wheel round. | round and round)  (He stared at the washing machine, just watching the clothes go round and round.) 2 if something such as a group of people or things are round something, they surround that thing  (If you'll all gather round we'll begin the experiment. | all round)  (The garden had a fence all round to keep out dogs.) 3 to many people or in many parts of a place, a room etc  (Please, come in, let me show you round. | Would someone hand the drinks round please. | all round)  (It was a beautiful room, with cushions scattered all round. | enough to go round (=enough for everyone))  (Do you think there are enough seats to go round?) 4 in the opposite direction  (When he turned round I recognised him immediately.) 5 if you go round, you do not go the most direct way to get somewhere  (I don't mind driving round by the market on my way to the station.) 6 the wrong/the other/the opposite etc way rounda) a) facing the wrong, other, opposite etc direction  (You're wearing your T-shirt the wrong way round.) b) in the wrong, other, opposite etc order  (You got it the wrong way round. She left him, he didn't walk out on her!) 7 round about about a particular time or amount  (It's a coincidence that all his grandparents died round about the same time.) 8 change/switch etc round to...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 13c., from Anglo-Fr. rounde, O.Fr. roont, probably originally *redond, from V.L. *retundus (cf. Prov. redon, Sp. redondo, O.It. ritondo), from L. rotundus "like a wheel, circular, round," related to rota "wheel." In many uses it is an aphetic form of around. Meaning "quantity of liquor served to a company at one time" is from 1633; that of "single bout in a fight or boxing match" is from 1812; "single discharge of a firearm" is from 1725. Rounder was originally a sentinel (1624); sense of "chronic drunkard or criminal" is 1854, on notion of one who is habitually in and out of jails or bars. Round number is 1648, from earlier sense of "full, complete" (sense of symmetry extended to that of completeness); roundhouse (1589) is from Du. rondhuis "guardhouse." Roundabout (adv.) "by a circuitous route" is from 1870; noun sense of "traffic circle" is from 1927. Round robin is from 1546; round-up "cattle drive" is from 1882; King Arthur's Round Table is M.E., from O.Fr. table ronde. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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